I was looking through Pinkbike.com photos today. I came across this masterpiece below. Yes, I know that right about now your thinking "this is hardly epic or worth making a post about".
On the contrary, take a better look at this photo. Look at the color, the angle, the light etc. To me, this looks like a reminder of where we (as bike riders) came from. It's gritty and harsh, and colorful. Just like it was back in the day. It looks more to me like an 80's punk rock photo, just on a bike. To me, it's just that damn good! And since it's a basic wallride, it's a reminder that all of todays insanity spawned from tricks like this, and no matter what, the wallride will never die, and will always be fun!
You can tell by the look on his face, that he's having the time of his life!
To be honest, I thought they ended the series of films in the worst way possible. It's almost as if they had no heart put into making it. NWD 10 has everything you would come to expect from DH Productions. Same High budget filming, Same riders, and same top 40 sound track. NWD 10 left originality at home before they left to produce the final installment of the NWD films. Don't get me wrong, the riding is top notch. However, if you've seen the last few films than you have already seen Dust and Bones.
It's one thing to throw a barspin or two, 360 a few times in a video, but for fuck's sake not EVERY trick. I may be wrong in this so don't quote me, but I just find videos like that to be well.....not so good. Yes, I see that there is talent and all, but there's no originality. I'm glad that you guys can do manual to 180, 450 and call it a 540, barspin in every direction, and bunnyhop tailwhip until your heart is content. Only problem here is that so can everyone else.
When I watch web videos, I can usually tell where it's going in the first 10 to 15 seconds or so.
When I ride, I don't ride to impress anyone. I absolutely hate tailwhips. I just think it's an ugly trick. I won't do them anymore. I also retired flips and a few other things. It seems to me these days that kids are doing flips, whips, and other big box tricks and yet still can't bunnyhop up on to a bench. Street riding has taken this unusual turn (for the worst I think). You see, the internet has given EVERY kid in the world their own media outlet. So, since 95% of the riding population only rides small curbs, stair sets and such, but can throw any of the above mentioned tricks on them that this has become the "standard" in street riding. Almost like street riding has been shot dead! Seriously, I think I enjoyed it more when the only way we knew what was going on was what we saw in the magazines.
I'm sorry kids, but I would much rather watch some riders shred some walls, gaps, etc. than a bunch of guys riding a curb all day.
This is Stuffed Beaver. No, it is not a porn site. Yes, we may display graphic material of all types.
We ride because it's fun. That's it. No other reason. We don't care if you shred, are pro, or a noob. If you're not having fun, you don't belong on a bike!