Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vimeo find!

Lipne jazdy from woxx on Vimeo.


Where do I start.

This is Anson Wellington. Anson is one of the original street dogs in the MTB world. Yes, I know that street riding has been around forever, but Anson did more than gapping stair sets and ledges. He modernized street riding.

Although I can't say Anson was a role model, or rider who I looked up to. He was responsible for the inspiration and love I have of street riding. At a time where most MTB riders would look down on us for shredding up the pavement, riders like Anson continued to push it forward.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mike Montgomery

Well, not really. I was searching Vimeo for my favorite M.M. to post up.
Instead, I found this M.M.

Still a whole lot of crazy tricks, just not what you think.
I couldn't stop watching this, even though the music was far less than desired.

Today's fail!

I was looking for a good fail clip to post today when I ran across this.

The official NWD 10 trailer. Supposedly NWD 10 is going to be the last film.
